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Alumna, Communications Team
Janika is a graduated Animal scientist with a main focus in dairy. Her proficiencies include pasture based -dairy systems, nutrition and increasing profitability and efficiency of pasture systems. Janika’s masters degree focused on three different disciplines: Animal Science, Agronomy and Agricultural economics making her a well-rounded Animal Scientist. She is currently the regional sales manager of Alltech Biotechnology in the Southern Cape with a main focus in diary.
Biostimulant effects on the herbage yield and nutritive composition of a mixed ryegrass–clover pasture.
De Beer, J., Swanepoel, P, van Zyl, J.H.C., Steyn, L, 2023.
African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 40.
DOI: 10.2989/10220119.2023.2208612
Grazing: Friend or Foe?
The Dairy Mail, 29 (5): 95 – 97.
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