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Principal investigator, Lecturer

Lobke is a Y2 NRF rated researcher and dairy nutritionist with a background in pastured based dairy cows and the use of marginal raw materials to improve profit margins. She has a keen interest in rumen microbiology and has investigated the effect of different energy sources on rumen microbiome populations using DNA sequencing. She is currently employed as a lecturer and researcher at Stellenbosch University. Here she is involved in training undergraduate and postgraduate students, with the focus on ensuring highly capable and employable individuals to support the livestock sector of South Africa. In her capacity as a researcher, she is overseeing a wide array of research projects from sheep feedlot trials to calf rearing systems and even microbial resistance development in South Africa. 


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Biostimulant effects on the herbage yield and nutritive composition of a mixed ryegrass–clover pasture.

De Beer, J., Swanepoel, P, van Zyl, J.H.C., Steyn, L, 2023.

African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 40.

DOI: 10.2989/10220119.2023.2208612


The effect of replacing maize with dried apple pomace in the concentrate on performance of Jersey cows grazing kikuyu pasture.

Steyn, L., Meeske, R., Cruywagen, C.W., 2018.

Animal Feed Science and Technology 239: 85-93.

DOI: org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.02.012


The effect of dried apple pomace as a replacer for maize in the concentrate for Jersey cows grazing ryegrass pasture on production and rumen metabolism.

Steyn, L., Meeske, R., Cruywagen, C.W., 2017.

Animal Feed Science and Technology 234: 264-273.

DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2017.10.011

Replacing maize grain with dried citrus pulp in a concentrate feed for Jersey cows grazing ryegrass pasture.

Steyn, L., Meeske, R., Cruywagen, C.W., 2017.

South African Journal of Animal Science 47: 553-564.

DOI: org/10.4314/sajas.v47i1


Substitution of ryegrass pasture with a high fibre concentrate supplement to grazing Jersey cows to overcome winter roughage shortages.

Steyn, L., Meeske, R., Cruywagen, C.W. 2014.

Animal Feed Science and Technology 188: 36-45.

DOI: org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2013.11.011



1067 Mike de Vries Building

Department of Animal Sciences

Stellenbosch University

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